Sentinel-2 MSI Processing Parameters
- Valid-pixel expression
The arithmetic expression defines the pixels which are valid for processing. Pixels which are not valid will be marked as no-data in the
target product.
- Salinity
The value used as water salinity for the scene.
- Temperature
The value used as water temperature for the scene.
- Ozone
The value used as ozone if not provided by auxiliary data
- Air Pressure
The surface air pressure at sea level if not provided by auxiliary data
- Elevation
The value used as elevation for scene.
- TSM factor bpart
Conversion factor bpart. (TSM = bpart * TSMfakBpart + bwit * TSMfakBwit)
- TSM factor bwit
Conversion factor bwit. (TSM = bpart * TSMfakBpart + bwit * TSMfakBwit)
- CHL exponent
Chlorophyll exponent (CHL = iop-apig^CHLexp * CHLfak)
- CHL factor
Chlorophyll factor (CHL = iop-apig^CHLexp * CHLfak)
- Threshold rtosa OOS
Threshold for out of scope of nn training dataset flag for gas corrected top-of-atmosphere reflectances
- Threshold AC reflectances OOS
Threshold for out of scope of nn training dataset flag for atmospherically corrected reflectances
- Threshold for cloud flag on down transmittance @865
Threshold for cloud test based on downwelling transmittance @865.
- Atmospheric aux data path
Path to the atmospheric auxiliary data directory. Use either this or the specified products on the I/O Parameters (ozone, air pressure) tab. If the auxiliary data is
not available at this path, the data will automatically be downloaded.
- Alternative NN Path
Path to an alternative set of neuronal nets. Use this to replace the standard set of neuronal nets.
For MSI there exits a neural net where ranges of parameters was extended to moderate-to-extreme cases (C2X-Nets).
However, this is a parameter which should only used during the development of new neural nets.
- Output AC reflectances as rrs instead of rhow
Write remote sensing reflectances instead of water leaving reflectances.
- Derive water reflectance from path radiance and transmittance
Alternative way of calculating water reflectance. Still experimental.
- Output gas corrected TOSA reflectances
Can be enabled to include the TOSA reflectances in the target product.
- Output TOA reflectances
Add TOA reflectances to the target product.
- Output gas corrected TOSA reflectances
Add TOSA reflectances to the target product.
- Output gas corrected TOSA reflectances of auto nn
Add TOSA reflectances of the autoassociative neural net to the target product.
- Output path radiance reflectances
Add path radiance reflectances to the target product
- Output downward transmittance
Add downward transmittance to the target product
- Output upward transmittance
Add upward transmittance to the target product
- Output atmospherically corrected angular dependent reflectances
Add atmospherically corrected angular dependent reflectances to the target product
- Output normalized water leaving reflectances
Add normalized water leaving reflectances to the target product
- Output out of scope values
Add out of scope to the target product
- Output irradiance attenuation coefficients
Add irradiance attenuation coefficients to the target product
- Output uncertainties
Add uncertainties to the target product