NDTI Algorithm Specification


The Normalized Difference Turbidity Index algorithm was developed by J.P Lacaux & al. (2006), allowing for the measurement of water turbidity.

Wetlands are one of our most important yet endangered and underevalued environments.
Sustainable management of wetland ecosystem is necessary as it serves the important functions such as food storage, water quality maintenance and providing habitat for different species of wildlife.
More than 75% of commercial fish species require wetlands to complete part of their life cycle.
Many local and migratory birds also utilize coastal wetlands as breeding and roosting sites as well as providing food and habitat for many animal and plant species.
Wetlands are also a valuable buffer against coastal erosion, storm surges and flooding.

The NDTI results from the following equation:

NDTI = (red_factor * red - green_factor * green) / (red_factor * red + green_factor * green)


Also the processor computes an additional flags band called 'ndti_flags' with the following bit coding:

Bit PositionDescription
Bit 0The computed value for NDTI is NAN or is Infinite
Bit 1The computed value for NDTI is less than -1 (minus one)
Bit 2The computed value for NDTI is greater than 1 (one)