GPF Operator Index

GPF Operator Index

AddElevation Creates a DEM band
AddLandCover Creates a land cover band
BandMaths Create a product with one or more bands using mathematical expressions.
Binning Performs spatial and temporal aggregation of pixel values into cells ('bins') of a planetary grid
ChangeVectorAnalysisOp The 'Change Vector Analysis' between two dual bands at two differents dates.
Collocate Collocates two products based on their geo-codings.
Compute-Slope-Aspect Compute Slope and Aspect from DEM
Convert-Datatype Convert product data type
EMClusterAnalysis Performs an expectation-maximization (EM) cluster analysis.
Fill-DEM-Hole Fill holes in given DEM product file.
Find-Image-Pair DB query to find matching image pair
Flip flips a product horizontal/vertical
GLCM Extract Texture Features
Image-Filter Common Image Processing Filters
Import-Vector Imports a shape file into a product
KDTree-KNN-Classifier KDTree KNN classifier
KMeansClusterAnalysis Performs a K-Means cluster analysis.
KNN-Classifier K-Nearest Neighbour classifier
Land-Cover-Mask Perform decision tree classification
Land-Sea-Mask Creates a bitmask defining land vs ocean.
LandWaterMask Operator creating a target product with a single band containing a land/water-mask.
LinearToFromdB Converts bands to/from dB
Maximum-Likelihood-Classifier Maximum Likelihood classifier
Merge Allows merging of several source products by using specified 'master' as reference product.
Minimum-Distance-Classifier Minimum Distance classifier
Mosaic Creates a mosaic out of a set of source products.
NdviOp The retrieves the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).
PCA Performs a Principal Component Analysis.
PixEx Extracts pixels from given locations and source products.
ProductSet-Reader Adds a list of sources
Random-Forest-Classifier Random Forest based classifier
Read Reads a data product from a given file location.
RemoteExecutionOp The Remote Execution Processor executes on the remote machines a slave graph and then on the host machine it executes a master graph using the products created by the remote machines.
ReplaceMetadata Replace the metadata of the first product with that of the second
Reproject Reprojection of a source product to a target Coordinate Reference System.
Resample Resampling of a multi-size source product to a single-size target product.
StatisticsOp Computes statistics for an arbitrary number of source products.
Subset Create a spatial and/or spectral subset of a data product.
TemporalPercentile Computes percentiles over a given time period.
Terrain-Mask Terrain Mask Generation
TileCache Experimental Operator which provides a dedicated cache for its source product. A guide on how this operator is used is provided at
ToolAdapterOp Tool Adapter Operator
Unmix Performs a linear spectral unmixing.
Write Writes a data product to a file.