The Options Dialog

The Options dialog window contains several categories of settings you are able to change. In the following sections screen shots are shown where the settings for the user interface behavior can be edited. Depending on the number of Toolboxes installed in SNAP, the header area might contain different items.

Options Dialog - Footer Area
The buttons "Export" and "Import" in the footer area of the dialog window can be used to save or load all settings at once.

General Settings

UI Behaviour

This preferences page contains general user interface behavior and memory management settings.

UI Behaviour Dialog


This preferences page enables settings related to the geo-location of pixels, pins, etc.


The Sentinel Toolbox uses an image coordinate system whose origin (x=0, y=0) is the upper left corner of the upper left pixel. Image X-coordinates increase to the right, Y-values increase downwards. The center of the pixel in the origin is then located at (x=0.5, y=0.5).

Image View

This preferences page enables settings related to the geo-location of pixels, pins, etc.

Image View

RGB Profiles

RGB-Image Profiles

This preference page is used to edit the RGB profiles used for RGB image creation from various product types. An RGB-Profile defines the band maths expressions to be used for the red, green and blue components of an RGB image. For detailed information about RGB-Profiles please refer to the chapter RGB-Image Profile located at Sentinel Toolbox Application/Tools/Imaging Tools

Profile Lets you Select on of the actual stored RGB-Profiles to use for creation of the new image view. RGB Channels

Use the Opens the Band Maths Expression Editor to to edit the expression for the specific channel by using the Maths Expression Editor.

Note: The expressions are not validated by the Sentinel Toolbox, keep care of using the correct syntax.
Please refer to the Maths Expression Editor documentation for the syntax and capablities of expressions.

Write Options

Write Options

This preference page is used to edit the writing behaviour of SNAP.

The first four entries are only relevant when products are saved in BEAM-DIMAP format.

The last element generally concerns the writing process and thus also all writeable formats.

New Masks

New Masks

This preference page is used to edit the default mask overlay colour and its transparency.



Tool Adapter

Tool Adapter

World View

World View



Remote File Repositories

Remote File Repositories

Put content here.

Product Library

Product Library

Put content here.

GDAL Library Loader configuration

It is possible to configure the GDAL library loader to load one of the installed GDAL distribution from the operating system or the internal GDAL distribution within SNAP (version 3.2.1).

The internal GDAL distribution is used when no GDAL distribution is installed on the operating system or when the installed version is not compatible. If the first option is selected and a GDAL distribution is installed on the operating system, SNAP will not load it until the second option is selected.

Compatible versions

- Windows x86 (32 bit): from GDAL 2.1.X to GDAL 3.2.X
- Windows x64 (64 bit): from GDAL 2.1.X to GDAL 3.2.X
- Linux x64 (64 bit): from GDAL 2.0.X to GDAL 3.2.X
- MacOSX (64 bit): from GDAL 2.0.X to GDAL 3.2.X


Other Options

Layer Settings

Graticule Layer

Graticule Layer

This preferences page provides options to customize the Graticule Overlay.

You can find a detailed description here.

Image Layer

Image Layer

No-Data Layer

No-Data Layer

This preferences page provides options to customize the No-Data Overlay.

World Map Layer

World Map Layer Options

Performance Settings

Performance Settings

This preferences page contains settings for the Java VM and processing parameters. Both settings might be computed by SNAP or being reset to default values.

WWW Settings


Advanced Proxy Settings

Advanced Proxy Settings

If you are behind a proxy you should configure your settings here.
You are able to configure the settings for different protocols or check the box to use the same settings for all protocols.

Keymap Settings


In this preference page you are able to change or create keystrokes for actions within SNAP. Keymap settings can be edited, stored and managed with this dialog.

Appearance Settings

Appearance Multi-row tabs


No-Data Layer

Look and Feel

Look and Feel