MERIS Cloud Probability- Processor Description

Processor Description

I/O Parameters Tab

Source Product Group

Name: Used to select the spectral source product. The source product shall contain spectral bands providing a source spectrum at each pixel. Use the ... button to open a data product currently not opened in the application.

Target Product Group

Name: Used to specify the name of the target product.

Save to: Used to specify whether the target product should be saved to the file system. The combo box presents a list of file formats. If ENVISAT is selected the source product must be in ENVISAT format too.

Open in SNAP: Used to specify whether the target product should be opened in the application. When the target product is not saved, it is opened automatically.

Advanced configuration

The algorithm uses two different neural nets. The first for usage over land and the second for usage over the open ocean. By default, every pixel with an altitude below -50m is treated as ocean.

This selection can be edited in the config files, which together with the neural nets are unpacked into a subdirectory of the user directory. The subdirectory used is .snap/snap-meris-cloud/auxdata The file cloud_config.txt specifies which configuration for the land and the ocean case are used. In the respective configuration files following properties are of interest: