Sen2Cor 2.11.0

Sen2Cor Overview

Sen2Cor is a processor for Sentinel-2 Level 2A product generation and formatting; it performs the atmospheric correction of Level-1C input data. Sen2Cor creates Bottom-Of-Atmosphere, optionally terrain and cirrus corrected reflectance images. Additionally, it generates also Aerosol Optical Thickness, Water Vapor, Scene Classification Maps and Quality Indicators for cloud and snow probabilities. Its output product format is equivalent to the Level 1C User Product: JPEG 2000 images, three different resolutions, 60, 20 and 10 m.

For Sen2Cor documentation and Software User Manual please visit STEP Website

Sen2Cor v2.11 Parameters

Sen2Cor general parameters:

Console Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value Allowed value(s)
mode Mode Specifies the processing mode TOOLBOX TOOLBOX, generate_datastrip, process_tile
resolution Resolution Specifies the target resolution.
It can be 10, 20 or 60m.
If omitted, only 20 and 10m resolutions will be processed
60 10, 20, 60
datastrip Datastrip Specifies the datastrip folder an absolute path to existing directory
tile Tile Specifies the tile folder an absolute path to existing directory
output_dir Output directory Specifies the output directory. When unspecified, the parent directory of input will be used. an absolute path to existing directory
work_dir Work directory Specifies the work directory an absolute path to existing directory
img_database_dir Img database directory Specifies the database directory for L1C input images an absolute path to existing directory
res_database_dir Res database directory Specifies the database directory for results and temporary products an absolute path to existing directory
processing_centre Processing centre Specifies the processing centre a string which matches the regex: ^[A-Z_]{4}$, e.g "SGS_"
archiving_centre Archiving centre Specifies the archiving centre a string which matches the regex: ^[A-Z_]{4}$, e.g. "SGS_"
processing_baseline Processing baseline Specifies the processing baseline a string in the format: "dd.dd", where d=[0:9]
raw Raw Specifies whether export raw images in rawl format with ENVI hdr FALSE TRUE, FALSE
tif Tif Specifies whether export raw images in TIFF format instead of JPEG-2000 FALSE TRUE, FALSE
sc_only Scene only Specifies whether performs only the scene classification at 60 or 20m resolution FALSE TRUE, FALSE
sc_classic Scene classification Specifies whether performs scene classification in Sen2Cor 2.9 mode FALSE TRUE, FALSE
sc_cog Scene cog Specifies whether export SCL image in COG format instead of JPEG_2000 FALSE TRUE, FALSE
cr_only Creation only Specifies whether performs only the creation of the L2A product tree, no processing FALSE TRUE, FALSE
GIP_L2A L2A_GIPP file Specifies the user GIPP an absolute path to existing directory
GIP_L2A_SC L2A_CAL_SC_GIPP file Specifies the scene classification GIPP an absolute path to existing directory
GIP_L2A_AC L2A_CAL_AC_GIPP file Specifies the atmospheric correction GIPP an absolute path to existing directory
GIP_L2A_PB L2A_PB_GIPP file Specifies the processing baseline GIPP an absolute path to existing directory

Sen2Cor L2A_GIPP parameters (used when L2A_GIPP file unspecified):

XML Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value Allowed value(s)
row0 Row0 Specifies the row midpoint of Region of Interest OFF OFF, AUTO, an integer number between 0 and 10980
col0 Col0 Specifies the column midpoint of Region of Interest OFF OFF, AUTO, an integer number between 0 and 10980
nrow_win N row win Specifies the row Window Size 1200 OFF, AUTO, an integer number between 0 and 10980
ncol_win N col win Specifies the column Window Size 1200 OFF, AUTO, an integer number between 0 and 10980
Nr_Threads Nr threads Specifies the number of threads AUTO AUTO, an integer number between 1 and 8
Product_Generator Product generator Specifies the product generator NONE NONE, a string
DEM_Directory DEM directory Specifies the DEM directory NONE NONE, a valid directory path
DEM_Reference DEM reference Specifies the DEM reference NONE NONE, an URL
Generate_DEM_Output Generate DEM output Specifies whether generate DEM output FALSE TRUE, FALSE
Force_Exit_On_DEM_Error Force exit on DEM error Specifies whether force exit on DEM error FALSE TRUE, FALSE
Generate_TCI_Output Generate TCI output Specifies whether generate TCI output TRUE TRUE, FALSE
Generate_DDV_Output Generate DDV output Specifies whether generate DDV output FALSE TRUE, FALSE
Handle_L1C_QLT_Mask HandleL1c QLT mask Specifies whether handle L1C QLT mask FALSE TRUE, FALSE
Downsample_20_to_60 Downsample 20 to 60 Specifies whether downsample TRUE TRUE, FALSE
PSD_Version PSD version Specifies the PSD version DEFAULT DEFAULT, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9
Median_Filter Median filter Specifies the median filter 0 an integer number between 0 and 10
Aerosol_Type Aerosol type Specifies the aerosol type RURAL RURAL, MARITIME, AUTO
Mid_Latitude Mid lat Specifies the mid latitude SUMMER SUMMER, WINTER, AUTO
Ozone_Content Ozone Specifies the ozone content 0 0, f - 250, g - 290, h - 331, i - 370, j - 410, k - 450, t - 250, u - 290, v - 330, w - 377, x - 420, y - 460
WV_Correction WV correction Specifies the WV correction 1 0, 1
VIS_Update_Mode VIS update mode Specifies the VIS update mode 1 0, 1
WV_Watermask WV watermask Specifies the WV watermask 1 0, 1, 2
Cirrus_Correction Cirrus correction Specifies the cirrus correction FALSE TRUE, FALSE
DEM_Terrain_Correction DEM terrain correction Specifies the DEM terrain correction TRUE TRUE, FALSE
BRDF_Correction BRDF correction Specifies the BRDF correction 0 0, 1, 2
BRDF_Lower_Bound BRDF lower bound Specifies the BRDF lower bound 0.22 a decimal number between 0.1 and 0.25
Adj_Km Adjacency range Specifies the adjacency range 1.0 a decimal number between 0 and 10
Visibility Visibility Specifies the visibility 40.0 a decimal number between 5 and 120
Altitude Altitude Specifies the altitude 0.1 a decimal number between 0 and 2.5
Smooth_WV_Map Smooth WV map Specifies the smooth WV map 100.0 a decimal number between 0 and 300
WV_Threshold_Cirrus WV threshold cirrus Specifies the WV threshold cirrus 0.25 a decimal number between 0.1 and 1.0
Database_Compression_Level Database compression level Specifies the database compression level 0 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Sen2Cor L2A_CAL_SC_GIPP parameters (used when L2A_CAL_SC_GIPP file unspecified):

XML Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value Allowed value(s)
T1_B02 T1 B02 Specifies the T1 B02 0.18 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_B02 T2 B02 Specifies the T2 B02 0.22 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_B04 T1 B04 Specifies the T1 B04 0.06 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_B04 T2 B04 Specifies the T2 B04 0.25 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_B8A T1 B8A Specifies the T1 B8A 0.15 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_B8A T2 B8A Specifies the T2 B8A 0.35 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_B10 T1 B10 Specifies the T1 B10 0.012 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_B10 T2 B10 Specifies the T2 B10 0.035 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_B12 T1 B12 Specifies the T1 B12 0.25 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_B12 T2 B12 Specifies the T2 B12 0.12 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T_B02_B12 T B02 B12 Specifies the T B02 B12 0.018 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T_CLOUD_LP T CLOUD LP Specifies the T CLOUD LP 0.0 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T_CLOUD_MP T CLOUD MP Specifies the T CLOUD MP 0.20 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T_CLOUD_HP T CLOUD HP Specifies the T CLOUD HP 0.80 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_NDSI_CLD T1 NDSI CLD Specifies the T1 NDSI CLD -0.24 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_NDSI_CLD T2 NDSI CLD Specifies the T2 NDSI CLD -0.16 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_NDSI_SNW T1 NDSI SNW Specifies the T1 NDSI SNW 0.35 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_NDSI_SNW T2 NDSI SNW Specifies the T2 NDSI SNW 0.50 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_NDVI T1 NDVI Specifies the T1 NDVI 0.36 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_NDVI T2 NDVI Specifies the T2 NDVI 0.42 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_SNOW T1 SNOW Specifies the T1 SNOW 0.12 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_SNOW T2 SNOW Specifies the T2 SNOW 0.25 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_R_B02_B04 T1 R B02 B04 Specifies the T1 R B02 B04 0.85 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_R_B02_B04 T2 R B02 B04 Specifies the T2 R B02 B04 0.95 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_R_B8A_B03 T1 R B8A B03 Specifies the T1 R B8A B03 1.50 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_R_B8A_B03 T2 R B8A B03 Specifies the T2 R B8A B03 2.50 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T1_R_B8A_B11 T1 R B8A B11 Specifies the T1 R B8A B11 0.90 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T2_R_B8A_B11 T2 R B8A B11 Specifies the T2 R B8A B11 1.10 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T11_B02 T11 B02 Specifies the T11 B02 -0.40 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T12_B02 T12 B02 Specifies the T12 B02 0.46 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T11_R_B02_B11 T11 R B02 B11 Specifies the T11 R B02 B11 0.70 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T12_R_B02_B11 T12 R B02 B11 Specifies the T12 R B02 B11 1.0 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T21_R_B02_B11 T21 R B02 B11 Specifies the T21 R B02 B11 2.00 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T22_R_B02_B11 T22 R B02 B11 Specifies the T22 R B02 B11 4.00 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T21_B12 T21 B12 Specifies the T21 B12 0.1 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T22_B12 T22 B12 Specifies the T22 B12 -0.09 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B2 Rv B2 Specifies the RV B2 6.96000 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B3 RV B3 Specifies the RV B3 5.26667 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B4 RV B4 Specifies the RV B4 5.37708 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B8 RV B8 Specifies the RV B8 7.52000 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B11 RV B11 Specifies the RV B11 5.45000 a decimal number between -10 and 10
RV_B12 RV B12 Specifies the RV B12 2.55000 a decimal number between -10 and 10
T_SDW T SDW Specifies the T SDW 0.75 a decimal number between -10 and 10

Sen2Cor L2A_CAL_AC_GIPP parameters (used when L2A_CAL_AC_GIPP file unspecified):

XML Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value Allowed value(s)
Scaling_Limiter Scaling limiter Specifies the Scaling limiter TRUE TRUE, FALSE
Scaling_Disabler Scaling disabler Specifies the Scaling disabler TRUE TRUE, FALSE
Rho_Retrieval_Step2 Rho retrieval step2 Specifies the Rho retrieval step2 TRUE TRUE, FALSE
Lib_Dir Lib dir Specifies the Lib dir lib a string
fwhm_Band_B1 Fwhm band B1 Specifies the Fwhm band B1 0.020 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B2 Fwhm band B2 Specifies the Fwhm band B2 0.065 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B3 Fwhm band B3 Specifies the Fwhm band B3 0.035 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B4 Fwhm band B4 Specifies the Fwhm band B4 0.030 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B5 Fwhm band B5 Specifies the Fwhm band B5 0.015 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B6 Fwhm band B6 Specifies the Fwhm band B6 0.015 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B7 Fwhm band B7 Specifies the Fwhm band B7 0.020 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B8 Fwhm band B8 Specifies the Fwhm band B8 0.115 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B8A Fwhm band B8A Specifies the Fwhm band B8A 0.020 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B9 Fwhm band B9 Specifies the Fwhm band B9 0.020 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B10 Fwhm band B10 Specifies the Fwhm band B10 0.030 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B11 Fwhm band B11 Specifies the Fwhm band B11 0.090 a decimal number between 0 and 1
fwhm_Band_B12 Fwhm band B12 Specifies the Fwhm band B12 0.180 a decimal number between 0 and 1
min_sc_blu Min sc blu Specifies the Min sc blu 0.9 a decimal number between 0 and 1
max_sc_blu Max sc blu Specifies the Max sc blu 1.1 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B1 Wavelength band B1 Specifies the wavelength for band B1 0.443 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B1_C0 Wavelength band B1 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B1 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B1_C1 Wavelength band B1 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B1 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B2 Wavelength band B2 Specifies the wavelength for band B2 0.490 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B2_C0 Wavelength band B2 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B2 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B2_C1 Wavelength band B2 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B2 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B3 Wavelength band B3 Specifies the wavelength for band B3 0.560 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B3_C0 Wavelength band B3 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B3 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B3_C1 Wavelength band B3 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B3 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B4 Wavelength band B4 Specifies the wavelength for band B4 0.665 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B4_C0 Wavelength band B4 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B4 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B4_C1 Wavelength band B4 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B4 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B5 Wavelength band B5 Specifies the wavelength for band B5 0.705 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B5_C0 Wavelength band B5 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B5 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B5_C1 Wavelength band B5 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B5 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B6 Wavelength band B6 Specifies the wavelength for band B6 0.740 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B6_C0 Wavelength band B6 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B6 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B6_C1 Wavelength band B6 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B6 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B7 Wavelength band B7 Specifies the wavelength for band B7 0.783 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B7_C0 Wavelength band B7 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B7 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B7_C1 Wavelength band B7 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B7 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B8 Wavelength band B8 Specifies the wavelength for band B8 0.842 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B8_C0 Wavelength band B8 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B8 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B8_C1 Wavelength band B8 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B8 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B8A Wavelength band B8A Specifies the wavelength for band B8A 0.865 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B8A_C0 Wavelength band B8A C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B8A 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B8A_C1 Wavelength band B8A C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B8A 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B9 Wavelength band B9 Specifies the wavelength for band B9 0.945 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B9_C0 Wavelength band B9 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B9 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B9_C1 Wavelength band B9 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B9 0.001 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B10 Wavelength band B10 Specifies the wavelength for band B10 1.375 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B10_C0 Wavelength band B10 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B10 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B10_C1 Wavelength band B10 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B10 0.0005 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B11 Wavelength band B11 Specifies the wavelength for band B11 1.610 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B11_C0 Wavelength band B11 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B11 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B11_C1 Wavelength band B11 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B11 0.0002 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B12 Wavelength band B12 Specifies the wavelength for band B12 2.190 a decimal number between 0 and 10
wavelength_Band_B12_C0 Wavelength band B12 C0 Specifies the C0 of wavelength for band B12 0.00000 a decimal number between 0 and 1
wavelength_Band_B12_C1 Wavelength band B12 C1 Specifies the C1 of wavelength for band B12 0.00005 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Min_Ddv_Area AC min DDV area Specifies the min DDV area, required number of reference pixels (th percent) 2.0 a decimal number between 0 and 100
AC_Swir_Refl_Lower_Th AC swir refl lower th Specifies the SWIR reflectance lower threshold to exclude water pixels together with NDVI limit 0.01 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Swir_22um_Red_Refl_Ratio AC swir22um red refl ratio Specifies the SWIR-red reflectance ratio (0.4-0,6) (ratio_red_swir (2.2Âlm), fact) 0.5 a decimal number between 0.4 and 0.6
AC_Red_Blue_Refl_Ratio AC red blue refl ratio Specifies the red-blue reflectance ratio (ratio_blu_red) 0.5 a decimal number between -1 and 1
AC_Cut_Off_Aot_Iter_Vegetation AC cut off aot iter vegetation Specifies the cut off for AOT-iterations = max percentage of negative reflectance vegetation pixels (B4) (also reasonable for water pixels (B8)) (Thresh) 0.01 a decimal number between -1 and 1
AC_Cut_Off_Aot_Iter_Water AC cut off aot iter water Specifies the cut off for AOT-iterations = max percentage of negative reflectance water pixels (B8) (thresh) -0.005 a decimal number between -1 and 1
AC_Aerosol_Type_Ratio_Th AC aerosol type ratio th Specifies the aerosol type ratio threshold (Scale path radiance for bands in the blue-to-red region) 0.05 a decimal number between -1 and 1
AC_Topo_Corr_Th AC topo corr th Specifies the topographic correction threshold 0.01 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Slope_Th AC slope th Specifies the slope threshold 6.0 a decimal number between 0 and 90
AC_Dem_P2p_Val AC demP2p val Specifies the DEM Peak to Peak Value 50.0 a decimal number between 0 and 300
AC_Swir_Refl_Ndvi_Th AC swir refl ndvi th Specifies the SWIR reflectance NDVI threshold to exclude water pixels 0.10 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_Swir_Refl_Th1 AC DDV swir refl th1 Specifies the DDV SWIR reflectance threshold 1, upper threshold 0.05 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_Swir_Refl_Th2 AC DDV swir refl th2 Specifies the DDV SWIR reflectance threshold 2 0.10 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_Swir_Refl_Th3 AC DDV swir refl th3 Specifies the DDV SWIR reflectance threshold 3 0.12 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_16um_Refl_Th1 AC DDV 16um refl th1 Specifies the DDV 1.6Âlm reflectance threshold 1 0.10 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_16um_Refl_Th2 AC DDV 16um refl th2 Specifies the DDV 1.6Âlm reflectance threshold 2 0.15 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Ddv_16um_Refl_Th3 AC DDV 16um refl th3 Specifies the DDV 1.6Âlm reflectance threshold 3 0.18 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Dbv_Nir_Refl_Th AC dbv nir refl th Specifies the DBV NIR reflectance Threshold 0.35 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Dbv_Ndvi_Th AC dbv ndvi th Specifies the DBV NDVI threshold 0.66 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Red_Ref_Refl_Th AC red ref refl th Specifies the Red reference reflectance 0.02 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Dbv_Red_Veget_Tst_Ndvi_Th AC dbv red veget tst ndvi th Specifies the DBV red vegetation test NDVI threshold 0.40 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Dbv_Red_Veget_Refl_Th AC dbv red veget refl th Specifies the DBV red vegetation reflectance threshold 0.15 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Wv_Iter_Start_Summer AC WV iter start summer Specifies the start value for WV iterations 1.0 a decimal number between 0 and 5.0
AC_Wv_Iter_Start_Winter AC WV iter start winter Specifies the start value for WV iterations 0.4 a decimal number between 0 and 5.0
AC_Rng_Nbhd_Terrain_Corr AC rng nbhd terrain corr Specifies the range of neighborhood for terrain correction 0.5 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Max_Nr_Topo_Iter AC max nr topo iter Specifies the max number of topography iterations 3 a decimal number between 0 and 9
AC_Topo_Corr_Cutoff AC topo corr cutoff Specifies the topographic correction cutoff 1.5 a decimal number between 0.0 and 10.0
AC_Vegetation_Index_Th AC vegetation index th Specifies the vegetation index threshold to distinguish soil/sand from vegetation 3.0 a decimal number between 1 and 10
AC_Limit_Area_Path_Rad_Scale AC limit area path rad scale Specifies the threshold to limit the area for path radiance scaling, haze-DDV and DBV-tests 0 a decimal number between 0 and 90
AC_Ddv_Smooting_Window AC DDV smooting window Specifies the DDV smoothing window size for spatial filtering 1.0 a decimal number between 0 and 10
AC_Terrain_Refl_Start AC terrain refl start Specifies the start value for terrain reflectance at terrain correction 0.1 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Spr_Refl_Percentage AC spr refl percentage Specifies the percentage of DDV pixels used in Scale Path Radiance for advanced return criteria 0.25 a decimal number between 0 and 1
AC_Spr_Refl_Promille AC spr refl promille Specifies the promille of reference pixels used in Scale Path Radiance for advanced return criteria 0.3 a decimal number between 0 and 1

Sen2Cor L2A_PB_GIPP parameters (used when L2A_PB_GIPP file unspecified):

XML Parameter Parameter Name Description Default value Allowed value(s)
workflow workflow Specifies the workflow l2a a string
IDP_SC_Name IDP SC name Specifies the IDP SC name Sen2Cor a string
IDP_SC_Version IDP SC version Specifies the IDP SC version 02.11.00 a string
Baseline_Version Baseline version Specifies the baseline version 02.11 a decimal number

For any questions about the usage of Sen2Cor, please follow the general STEP forum area dedicated to Sen2Cor.