Biophysical Processor Description

Processor Description

The Biophysical Processor S2_10m utilizes only the 10m resolution bands, however it is only capable of computing LAI, FAPAR and FVC indexes.
You can find more information about the algorithm in the Algorithm Specification documentation page.

I/O Parameters Tab

Source Product Group

Name: Used to select the spectral source product. The source product shall be a Sentinel-2 L2A product. Use the ... button to open a data product currently not opened in the application. The algorithm is calibrated for top-of-canopy reflectances and depends on the acquisition geometry, so it requires slope-effect corrected reflectances to give optimal results

Target Product Group

Name: Used to specify the name of the target product.

Save to: Used to specify whether the target product should be saved to the file system. The combo box presents a list of file formats.

Open in SNAP: Used to specify whether the target product should be opened in the application. When the target product is not saved, it is opened automatically.

Processing Parameters Tab

    Choose between Sentinel 2A (S2A_10m) and Sentinel 2B (S2B_10m) satellite depending on the product source

    Compute LAI:
    Enable/Disable the computation of LAI (Leaf Area Index) in the output product

    Compute FAPAR:
    Enable/Disable the computation of FAPAR (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) in the output product

    Compute FVC:
    Enable/Disable the computation of FVC (Fraction of Vegetation Cover) in the output product